In Finland, the harmonica was a very popular instrument in the second half of the 19th Century. Its influence on Finnish music was strong but then it gradually fell into oblivion. In 2003 Jouko Kyhälä decided to revive the tradition and created the Sväng quatuor which blends chromatic and diatonic harmonicas with harmonetta and bass harmonica. The ingenious ensemble has revisited the whole of the Finnish folk music repertory with subtletly, adding touches of Balkan music, jazz and tango to it. A traditional Northern musical instrument has been suffused with new life and its infinite vibrations become sublime.
The audacious Fins with their many harmonicas
Les audacieux finnois et leur armada d’harmonicas
Très populaire en Finlande dans la moitié du XIXème siècle, l’harmonica a imprégné le patrimoine musical finnois avant de glisser dans l’oubli. Pour reprendre sa tradition, Jouko Kyhälä a créé en 2003 le quatuor Sväng mêlant harmonica chromatique, diatonique, harmonetta et harmonica basse. Cet ensemble ingénieux a revisité avec finesse le répertoire folk finlandais et y a introduit les apports des musiques balkaniques, du jazz ou du tango, sublimant un instrument aux infinies vibrations et inspirant un nouveau souffle aux traditions musicales nordiques.